Sooner or later, it happens to all of us. We look in the mirror and don’t quite recognize who we see. Or perhaps we look down and wonder how some old person’s hands got attached to our arms. Unfortunately, over time, important substances in the body called collagen and elastin tend to diminish. It is these substances that give our faces and hands their full, supple, smooth, young look. While collagen and elastin loss is inevitable, you can restore that younger look with treatments like Restylane®.
What Is Restylane®/Restylane® Lyft?
Restylane® and Restylane® Lyft are dermal fillers. These are solutions of, in this case, hyaluronic acid (HA), whose function is to restore volume loss in areas where skin may be listless and sagging. This can help restore nasolabial folds, give life to sunken cheeks, provide fullness and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Restylane® is for the face, while Lyft, formerly Perlane, is a special formulation for the cheeks and hands.

Am I a Good Candidate?
If you’d like to see fuller cheeks, fewer wrinkles or younger-looking hands and don’t want the risk or expense of surgery, Restylane®/Lyft may well be for you. You may also wish to consider Restylane® as an alternative to neurotoxins like Botox®, although some clients use both. This is a non-invasive treatment that can give you younger-looking skin for months.
How Does Restylane®/Restylane® Lyft Work?
Similarly to Botox®, Restylane® is an injection into the target areas using tiny needles that are barely perceptible. The procedure takes only a few minutes without the need for any kind of anesthetic or sedative. There may be some initial swelling, redness, pain or itching at the injection site but this will fade over time and should be completely over after two weeks. You should soon notice a remarkably younger appearance in the targeted areas, and almost all patients still see improvement more than a year after initial treatment.
Aspire Skin + Wellness for Younger Skin With Restylane®/Restylane® Lyft in Akron, Ohio
At Aspire Skin + Wellness, we want you to love who you see in the mirror. For Restylane® or Lyft treatment from a caring, knowledgeable professional in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere, call us at 330-703-1880 or fill out our appointment form below to schedule your consultation.
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