While hyperpigmentation is not generally a health risk, it can be unpleasant to look at. It can also affect your self-confidence and general sense of well-being. At Aspire Skin + Wellness, we want you to love yourself and the way you look. For this reason, we offer effective treatments to assist with this condition.
What Is Hyperpigmentation?
In this condition, some patches of skin are darker than the surrounding skin. It is a consequence of excess deposits of melanin in certain areas. Your condition may be as simple as an excess concentration of freckles, may be what we call solar lentigines, better known as sun spots, age spots or liver spots, or may be the condition known as melasma.
What Causes Hyperpigmentation?
It is not always easy to know who will develop hyperpigmentation and who will not. However, we do know that this excess of melanin may be the result of excessive sun exposure, as UV rays tend to accelerate melanin production. Melasma can also be the result of hormonal changes, and can occur during pregnancy, among other situations.
How Is it Treated?
Unfortunately, hyperpigmentation is unlikely to go away on its own. However, we can definitely help you achieve a more even skin tone and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation. One of our most effective ways of doing this is through chemical peels, which gently and safely exfoliate the top layer of excess skin so that fresher, more even-toned skin underneath can come through. When you come into Aspire Skin + Wellness for your consultation, we can help you determine which of our options and what course of treatment will be most effective for your particular case of hyperpigmentation.

Aspire Skin + Wellness for Hyperpigmentation in Ohio
At Aspire Skin + Wellness, we want you to love who you see in the mirror. If you are struggling with hyperpigmentation or other skin discoloration or texture issues, we can help. We offer effective treatments administered by an experienced professional in a relaxed, comfortable, friendly environment. Call us at 330-703-1880 or fill out our appointment form below to schedule your consultation.